Summer - Baseball (FREE!)
Registration is now open for our new Summer “sandlot” series. This series will be open to any player, aged 9-11, registered for the 2023 spring or fall seasons. Coaches will announce dates, times and fields, and help kids organize pick-up games for those who show up. Games will start in mid-July after the Tournament teams complete play.
Summer - Softball
Registration is now open for softball players age 11-15 who want to join a six-week summer session from July 11-August 18. The team will play on Tuesdays and Thursdays, including one practice and one pickup game.
Fall - Baseball and Softball
Registration is now open for Fall Baseball and Softball programs. Fall Ball is a fun way for kids to get more experience playing, and prepare for the Spring season. Please register and share this opportunity with friends who may be interested in playing baseball or softball. Practices may start as early as late August, and games will start after Labor Day. Teams typically play one game per week on Saturday and have at least one practice during the week. The season concludes at the end of October.
Register today!