News Detail


Apr, 2024

2024 League Events Calendar (Updated)

In addition to games and practices, which will be scheduled for each division as the season gets underway, the Red Hook and Rhinebeck Little League organizations are happy to organize several league-wide events for registered players and families. Please save the date for the following events. 

Note that the volunteer field prep day scheduled for April 13 has been canceled.

You can also view and subscribe to our Google calendar.
Saturday, April 20, 9-10 a.m. (arrive at 8:45 a.m.) Opening Day Ceremony
Father Carroll Field, West Market St, Red Hook Families are encouraged to attend our annual Opening Day Ceremony at Father Carroll Field, West Market Street in Red Hook. We also encourage you to bring used cleats, bats, gloves, helmets and catchers equipment that are in good condition. Families may find items they need, and freely give items that they no longer need. 
Monday, May 27 Memorial Day Parades Join your team and march in the Rhinebeck or Red Hook Memorial Day parades! Please wear your uniforms. For Rhinebeck, meet on Mulberry Street near the Fairgrounds grandstand at 10 a.m. For Red Hook, meet in the South parking lot at Red Hook High School at 9:45 a.m. 
Saturday, June 15 League Picnic Wager Field, Rhinebeck Join your team for a festive day of games, food and refreshments. The concession stand will be serving free hotdogs, hamburgers and salads for players and families. Look for details closer to the event.
Red Hook and Rhinebeck Little League board meetings Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month, at 7:30 p.m., at The Grange, Prince Street in Red Hook. Board seats and volunteer leadership positions are typically filled in November. August and December meetings are only held if needed. If you’re interested in board service, email [email protected].
Other League Events Stay tuned throughout the season for updates on team and individual photos, Summer Sandlot and Fall Ball registration, and any changes to the published schedule.

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